As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Discover Hope is sustained by the incredible support of our community and family partners. We trust in God to touch the hearts of generous donors who are passionate about our mission and vision. We invite you to take the 2517 Pledge—a meaningful two-year commitment to contribute $25.17 monthly and support our cause!
**Our Mission:**
Discovering hope through Jesus Christ to be redeemed, renewed, and restored.
**Our Vision:**
To create a safe haven for those who seek refuge and hope for a new life.
**What is our goal?**
We aspire to unite with 100 individuals or families who will commit to donating $25.17 monthly for two years.
Will you join us as one of the 100? simplifies the process of setting up recurring payments. You can choose the specific day on which the payment will be automatically deducted from your selected payment method!
**NOTE: IF you set up your pledge on your phone, you can only donate $25. If you set it up on a Computer, you can set the amount to $25.17. Also, when you set up your pledge, it will calculate your total over the two years. Please see Kelsey if you have any questions! Give her a call at 641-841-0598 or email at